
Sat 15 March, 2025 @ 8:55 AM
UTC/GMT (Greenwich Standard Time)

 Start date & time:

(UTC -04:00) Eastern Daylight Time
Sat 30 October, 2021 @ 4:00 PM

Sat 30 October, 2021 @ 8:00 PM

 Estimated duration:
7h 0m

Halloween theme songs of all ll types, Halloween dance mixes. Monster-by Milk N Cookies - (Stratus Remix), THRILLER - 35th Anniversary (SWG Remastered Extended Mix), The Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil.. Halloween themes request.
 Hosted by:

DJ Screaminfu   (4:00 PM - 6:00 PM EDT)
DJ Shigy   (6:00 PM - 8:00 PM EDT)
DJ Gemmikins   (8:00 PM - 11:00 PM EDT)

Rubi-Ka (Anarchy Online)

Event description:
Valheru Ascendants once again wants to share some screams and howls with you and Uncle Pumpkin Head this year! Join us for our: Creepy Crawlin' Spooky Skeletons 10th Annual RK5 "Halloween BOO Bash and Blood Drive! Saturday Oct 30th, starting at 4 pm EST (UTC -05:00) and going well after the witching hour of 1 am! At Coast of Peace, in the tree and grassy area North the Grid. (Only on RK5: If you're on RK19 feel free to stop by RK5 and join us!) We'll have prizes for various events and contests so: - Join our “Draculeet Blood Drive!” Bring us a FULL bag of ql 200+ blood Plasma and you might just get a BLOOD dripping tasty bite back in one of our TRICK or TREAT bags Is it a treat or is it empty? (One bag per character). - Wear your best AO Halloween Costumes - BONE up on your AO trivia!! - Do some ghost HUNTING of your own with our Creepy Crawlin' Hide n Seek and get a prize when you find them! Come out and have a Screaming good time with Valheru Ascendants, ARK, and GSP!

Current & Upcoming Events

Blissful Elevations
 DJ Gemmikins
 In 8h 4m @ 5:00 PM, March 15 UTC

Live, Loud and Proud
 DJ Screaminfu
 In 11h 4m @ 8:00 PM, March 15 UTC

Big Hair Ball
 DJ Dharzee
 In 15h 4m @ 12:00 AM, March 16 UTC

Kermies Krazy Corner
 DJ Kermie
 In 1d 17h 4m @ 2:00 AM, March 17 UTC

GSP Statistics

 Longest continuous DJ session

1. Ashval55h 00m
2. Stefano51h 06m
3. Dynamiks43h 36m
4. Drexlore29h 00m
5. Lykeios27h 30m

 Top played artists 24h

No data available.

 Top played artists this month

No data available.