Sun 9 March, 2025 @ 2:39 PM
UTC/GMT (Greenwich Standard Time)
GSP-TSW would like to officially welcome our two newest DJ's to our dysfunctional family - DJ's Lykeios and Dasch! This official announcement is a bit late, but we were busy dodging the end of the world and celebrating the new year and a certain Director was on vacation. Apparently the staff felt that was the best way to sneak Lykeios back in. (kidding!)
I'm sure many of you have already heard DJ Lykeios or may remember him from his days with our AO sister station. He certainly came out guns blazing with a marathon debut show of epic proportions! :) We're very fortunate to have him back in the fold.
DJ Dasch, who many of you may know as Kailz from the community, will be cutting his teeth soon with a few ninja sets before hopefully settling into a regular schedule. We very much look forward to hearing what he can bring to the stream. Make sure to keep an eye on the forums and our Facebook/Twitter accounts for updates on when his shows will be.
As if bringing in two new DJ's was enough good news, Lykeios and Dasch will also provide some much needed coverage of the European time zones here at GSP! So, we're extra excited to have them on board!
Happy New Year to everyone in the TSW community and thanks for listening! :)
We hope all of you have a wonderful and safe holiday season. Thank you so much for tuning in and supporting us in 2012. GridStream Productions looks forward to continuing to grow in 2013 and do our part to make The Secret World's community one of the very best.
Keep in mind that there will be some cancelled shows during the holidays as our staff spends time with family. Be sure to check our forums for any scheduling changes, and as always, like us on Facebook and/or follow us on Twitter for instant updates on show times and locations.
Happy holidays!
(I'm going on a much-needed vacation...see you all in 2013!)
The end of days are nearly upon us. Join GridStream Productions and the TSW Revolution Group for a Christmas Party event like no other on Friday, December 21st starting at 3pm Est/8pm GMT!
There will be hide and seek contests, costume contests, trivia quizzes and more! Tune in and join in for chances to win Funcom points, free game time and faction dog tags.
Of course, with the world'll have little chance to enjoy all of these wonderful prizes.
Unless, that is, we create a party so epic that it survives the apocalypse.
Are you up to the challenge? Then join us on Friday, December 21st at 3pm EST/8pm GMT for Dark Days of Christmas in The Secret World.
We recently discovered that there were some gremlins chewing on the wires of our mail server and recent attempts to use the "Contact Us" form on our website may have failed to reach us. If you tried to utilize that feature and didn't get a response, please accept our apologies and do give it another try. The issue should now be resolved.
Thank you!
1. Ashval55h 00m
2. Stefano51h 06m
3. Dynamiks43h 36m
4. Drexlore29h 00m
5. Lykeios27h 30m
No data available.
Top played artists this monthNo data available.