
Sun 9 March, 2025 @ 2:47 AM
UTC/GMT (Greenwich Standard Time)

So we're falling back in time for winter in the Northern Hemisphere and rolling into a hopefully eventful November. Prepare for show changes as the clocks change timewise and hopefully within a few weeks everything will be back aligned until we have to Spring Forward!

November means the holidays are fast approaching and for the US this means Thanksgiving and being thankful. I want to thank all you listeners and supports for being here and giving us a reason to DJ as well as thanking DJ Nicksa for her time in GSP, her dedication to the station and providing oodles of creativity to us here. She will be going onto other places in TSW and continuing the Grindhouse on Saturdays, she will be missed here but we wish her the best of luck in her musical journey.

We also welcome back DJ Oubliette who returned to our airwaves this past Monday and she will be bringing Permanent Midnight back to your ears each Monday following at 9pm Eastern/2am UTC. We're glad to see her back and hope you all enjoyed her Halloween treats!

Lastly we are still looking for more DJs to fill our ranks, if you have a passion for music or AO/TSW and feel curious about how to become a DJ please feel free to contact a DJ or via the contact page on the forums for further details! We also here to help host any promos or events you might be interested in especially this holiday season, feel free to send Gemmikins a PM or contact as on the contact us page!

I don't know about the rest of you but the year feels like it's flying by. It's nearly time for our favourite holiday of any year. Halloween. It's not the only event happening in October though.

We have Welcome Back Defiant on October 1st in Anarchy Online.
Later in the month we have Cabal Pride in The Secret World. This is your chance to show everyone what is great about your cabal as well as recruit new members. It will be on October 22nd.

Speaking of new members we are looking for more DJs if you or anyone you know is interested come along get to know some of the DJs and put in an application.

Our Halloween events are going to be back to back with Anarchy Online up first and The Secret World following on. They will both be on October 29th.
As always thanks for listening.

So we're back for a September news update! August flew by with holidays and sunshine in the Northern Hemisphere and rain and snow forcing hibernation and gaming in the Southern half, so what does September hold for us here at GSP?

Well we have to say a fond farewell to DJ Kriegshammer, RL has caught up to him and he now has a mini metal missy to train and care for in the ways of the metal Gods! He will be missed but we hope to see him around in the future.

September is a time for pirates and rum and on the 17th GSP & ARK will be hosting the annual Talk Like a Pirate Day event in Reets Retreat, bring your rum and your wenches and come party with us for 3 hours of fun and pirate themed goodness! We will also hopefully being doing an event TSW side on the 19th to celebrate there the wonders of pirates and booty and rum!

Gemmikins will also be hosting a birthday party on Saturday 3rd, join her at 4pm Eastern/9pm UTC for a mix of metal/jazz and disco on the Glass Dance Floor in AO!

Lastly we have Cabal Pride coming up next month! Join Katelin, Nine Swords and DJ Lia for a variety of music, goodies and the chance to join a cabal you call home. 

Finally GSP needs new DJs to join us too! So if you think you have what it takes feel free to speak to one of our DJs or via the forums to find out more and stay tuned for our own recruitment drive later on this month and possibly into October!

And as always we appreciate you all for being part of the GSP community.

It's July and at least in my part of the world it is hot, hot, hot!

So what's sizzling at GSP during this hot time of the year?

Coming up this weekend we have not just 1 but 2 parties to celebrate The Secret World's 4th Anniversary!

First on the list is "Party in the Park" on July 9. Lia will kick things off from Ealdwic Park at 4 pm, eastern. Then Nicksa takes over at 8 to keeps it rocking until midnight. You can expect contests with prizes and a festive atmosphere.

On Sunday the 10th we have a 2nd celebration for you. We're calling this one "Binging in the Beer Garden" and as the name suggests it will be held in the beer garden behind the Horned God. Dharzee will get things rolling at 7 pm, eastern with Shigy finishing things off from 9 to 11pm, eastern.

We're not quite done with anniversary celebrations though. August marks GSP's 4th Anniversary in The Secret World. You can expect more details on that as we get closer to the date.

Also...psst... I have a little secret for you... We've got a new and different show coming your way late summer. It's something we've been working on for awhile now and have finally started the ball rolling. I'm really looking forward to this new show. Ok, so that was pretty vague. I know I know. I promise you more details will be coming soon enough.

We also could really use your help. We need new DJ's folks. We'd really like to be able to do more for you and feature more shows and events. We'd like to expand our horizons in both Anarchy Online and The Secret world and in the great community in both games. Only thing is, we're really short-handed right at the moment. We've reached out to many of our prior DJ's as per the feedback we received from you guys. Some of those we've contacted are thinking about it. However, no matter what they decide we also really need some new DJ's to fill our ranks. Please do not hesitate to speak to any one of our crew if you have any questions. If you'd like to apply, you can contact me directly @vallikat on Twitter or in a PM to this forum.

That's all the news for you that I have right now.

As always, thanks for listening.

Current & Upcoming Events

Big Hair Ball
 DJ Dharzee
 Now! 12m remaining!

Kermies Krazy Corner
 DJ Kermie
 In 23h 12m @ 2:00 AM, March 10 UTC

GSP Statistics

 Longest continuous DJ session

1. Ashval55h 00m
2. Stefano51h 06m
3. Dynamiks43h 36m
4. Drexlore29h 00m
5. Lykeios27h 30m

 Top played artists 24h

No data available.

 Top played artists this month

No data available.