
Sun 9 March, 2025 @ 2:52 AM
UTC/GMT (Greenwich Standard Time)

Well it seems the holiday time is upon us again. Holiday events are going on in both Anarchy Online and The Secret World. Of course, at GSP we're also celebrating the holidays. Here are the parties we have lined up:

We'll be celebrating in Anarchy Online on Saturday, December 19 starting at 4 pm, eastern time. DJ's Klinical and Dharzee will be rocking out from Reets Retreat on the Glass Dance floor until 8:00 pm, eastern. I'm sure there will be a nice mix of holiday tunes and plenty of other stuff to keep your bells jingling!

We then turn our attention to TSW where DJs Daydreaming and Nicksa will have Christmas from the Crusades in London. They expect to keep the festive holiday fun going another 6 hours!

New Years tends to be a time to reflect on the year that was. DJ Daydreaming is thinking on those lines as well and she'd very much appreciate you taking the time to respond to this short survey. https://twitter.com/gridstream/status/677882788524122113

Don't forget that in the midst of all this holiday fun, the final show for DJ Trevalin will be taking place at the Crusades in TSW on December 23 at 8 pm, eastern. Additionally, the final show for DJ Ashval will be the following week, December 30 from The Rumble Room in Reets in AO at 8 pm, eastern.

Since I'm on the topic of holidays though, we do want to ask your patience with us if there are cancellations this holiday season. It is a busy time of year for everyone. We'll try to do our best to keep everything covered as much as possible.

Still we do want to wish you all a safe and happy holiday season. No matter what you celebrate this time of the year, even if what you celebrate is not celebrating, please be safe and when you can, keep GSP close to your ears. I find that to be reason to celebrate right there!

Enjoy the Season and As always, thanks for listening!

First the Good News!

As you may have read DJ Klinical has returned to our ranks and while he's not officially official yet, I can give you some advanced notice. You can look for his show, Sound Diagnosis on Tuesdays from 2:00pm to 4:00 pm in AO, starting in the next week or two. He'll be playing an eclectic mix of music from way back when to the present day, musical therapy for the ears or whatnot. Each week he plans to follow a theme. No promises or guarantees on that one, but I for one will be curious to see what he comes up with.

More good news!

Our own Iolanthe - that's DJ Lia to you - will also be flooding your earholes in the near future with truly awesome tunes. You may have heard her first training set just yesterday and although she has some other training sessions to go, she's totally rocking it so far and we're really looking forward to letting her fly on her own!

More good news!

That's right we have another new DJ. DJ WestVillager (or Momentary as some may know) is starting his training hoops and also getting ready for flight. We'll keep you posted about his training sets as soon as we can get them scheduled. He plans to focus on electronica but you can expect to hear club music, lounge music, kpop, jpop, jrock and basically whatever his heart desires.

And more good news?

Yep. Daddyles is getting close to being able to take his trial runs as well. In addition there may be yet another new DJ that may be familiar to some of you just on the horizon.

Ok, so how about some non-DJ Good News?

I've got some of that to share as well. The winter holidays are upon us and we've got parties! Anarchy Online kicks off the party on December 19 at 4:00 pm eastern time with plans to keep the party going for 4 hours. Not to be outshined though, Daydreaming and Nicksa will pick up the party in TSW to keep the celebrations happening for another 6 hours. That's 10 hours of holiday goodness! Plans are still in the works, but I can assure you there will be contests, prizes, and giveaways!

So yeah, that's a lot of good news.

Anyway, as always, thanks for - What's that? I forgot the Bad News? Yeah, I guess I did. So, the bad news. You can find that here: http://forums.gridstream.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=27895

I know that's a bit of a bummer to say the least, but I hope we can all understand why this decision was made and be the awesome and supportive fans that I know you always have been.

I'm sorry to end on a down note, so how about I present some good news. We have one more event coming that I forgot to mention! January 6 is DJ Daydreaming's Birthday! That's right! We're having a birthday celebration for her at 8:00 pm EST in the Crusades. DJ Nicksa will be your host for what is sure to be one fabulous party. I have it on good authority that Daydreaming likes presents. Just saying. *grin*

I think that truly is all the news this time.

As always, thanks for listening!

Sorry it has been so long since we've presented an update. There's just been so much going on lately that we've barely been able to catch our breath let alone sit and write this. We're still here though and still ready to rock.

I hate to start this on a down note but we do have some sad news to report. As most of you are aware DJ Medrina has decided to leave us. We are sad for us and we'll miss her, however not to worry Play Anything fans. We hear she's found a new home with Happy Tentacle radio. We wish her all the best in her new venture!

Her leaving did leave us with a hole in our schedule though. We've decided to fill that spot with a new show we're calling #thestream. If you hadn't guessed by the title, that hashtag is what you can use to interact with us on social media. We'd love to hear from you! So what is #thestream? Well basically it's whatever we want. For right now DJ Daydreaming will be your host from 9 pm until 1 am eastern time. However, we're keeping this show open for any of our talented DJ's to play around with. You can expect to hear a mix of genres, DJ's, and formats. Sometimes it will be roleplay, sometimes not, depending on who takes the stream. Whatever it is, we know it will be fun.

Speaking of fun, there's not much more fun than a Grindhouse Party. DJ Nicksa is back off of her hiatus and back to the airwaves. You can catch the lovely and talented Nicksa every Saturday night from 8pm until 11pm eastern.

You can also expect some more cool new shows coming your way in the near future. We have a number of applicants right now that we're really excited about. One of those is a return and a blast from the past that I know will make a lot of you happy. I don't want to say too much more than that though, but do keep your eyes peeled for news of our newest DJ's coming soon!

Time flies when we're having fun and the holidays are right around the corner. There's no doubt that between ourselves, Funcom, ARK, and you guys there will be plenty of events to be had this holiday season. We'll keep you updated as we know more.

In the meanwhile, keep being awesome and thanks for listening!

It's been awhile since we've done a proper news post and boy do we have a lot to talk about!

There's one thing on our news post that has been mentioned any number of times, usually at the end of the post, but this time I'm moving it straight to the top and that is the AO Community Relations Lead role that we've been looking to fill for quite some time now. Guess what though? We did it!!! We found someone foolish enough...er...I mean clever and creative enough to want to take on this role! Please join me in congratulating DJ Krayl! Don't worry you will still get your weekly dose of Digital Obsessions. However in addition to his DJ duties he's going to be helping us out with kicking things up with and for the AO Community. We're so excited and really can't wait to see what tricks he has up his sleeve! Grats, Krayl!

One thing I want to mention while I'm on the topic of DJ's. This is just a quick reminder that Nicksa is taking a little break from the Grindhouse while she takes care of some things in RL. However, we're still very committed to bringing you liveness as much as we possibly can. DJ Daydreaming will be filling in as much as she can but we'll keep you posted with any other coverage.

Also! Events!!

The Cabal Pride Variety Show is coming to you live this Saturday, September 12 at 3:00 PM EDT. Nine Swords will be your hosts and DJ Trevalin will be spinning the tunes at the Ealdwic Park Stage. Several Cabals will be there and you can show off your crazy, cool, and funky talents as you look for the Cabal that's just right for you. Don't worry, the Cabals will also be doing some showing off. After all it helps to join a Cabal where you know everyone is on the same wacky page as you are!

Speaking of wacky...Ok, pirates aren't really wacky I guess, but if you guys could hear my pirate impression you might think that I am! If you're going to practice your pirate impression, this is the time of year for it. Talk Like a Pirate Day is Saturday, September 19 and Gridstream Productions is partying in true pirate fashion. We're kicking things off in Anarchy Online with DJ's Gemmikins and Joanwilder. They'll be getting started at 5:00 pm EDT at the ICC Hub. Not to worry though TSW fans. DJ Daydreaming takes over at 8:00 pm EDT from TSW. In case you're wondering if you've read that right, you have. Not just 1, not just 2, but 3 Lovely Ladies of Gridstream will be spinning the pirate numbers for you. That's what we call a party!

So what happens after Pirate Day? Well considering it's a GSP Party and it falls on a weekend and it's bound to be epic, that probably means spending a day nursing a hangover. But what happens after that??? Well in this part of the world at least, the weather starts to turn a bit cooler as autumn arrives. If autumn is here, that means pumpkin-flavored everything. It also means the arrival of Uncle Pumpkinhead, Spooky Stories, Halloween Leets, and Jack O'Lantern. We don't know yet what goodies Funcom may have in store for us, but we can promise that there will be spooky themed events in both AO and TSW. We'll keep you posted via these forums, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Oh wait...you didn't know that GSP had an Instagram? Well let me be the first to tell you then. You can find us on https://instagram.com/gridstream/. We'll be posting event posters here as well as screenshots from our shows. Check it out!!

I also have a couple of other reminders for you guys:

Saints and Sinners Club is hosting an Art Competition. This competition started on September 1 and is running the whole month of September. You can submit your entries (or to get more info) via twitter to @SnSTSW or on http://saintsandsinnersclub.tumblr.com/ or on TSW-RP.com under the Events section. This contest promises a ton of great prizes so don't be shy, you might as well try!

Also, we know it's not even pumpkin time yet, but for some of us it is time to start thinking about Christmas. Jezebelle, Leader of the GSP Dancers, has posted her annual Christmas Brainstorming Thread. This is where you can make your suggestions for Funcom to create for Christmas this year. Submissions are open for both TSW and AO. You can find the details and make your suggestions here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=27636


Ok I think that's quite enough news for now! If you're still with me, thanks for reading this far and as always, thanks for listening!!


Current & Upcoming Events

Big Hair Ball
 DJ Dharzee
 Now! 7m remaining!

Kermies Krazy Corner
 DJ Kermie
 In 23h 7m @ 2:00 AM, March 10 UTC

GSP Statistics

 Longest continuous DJ session

1. Ashval55h 00m
2. Stefano51h 06m
3. Dynamiks43h 36m
4. Drexlore29h 00m
5. Lykeios27h 30m

 Top played artists 24h

No data available.

 Top played artists this month

No data available.