Sun 9 March, 2025 @ 2:35 AM
UTC/GMT (Greenwich Standard Time)
For many of us, autumn is our favorite time of year. We're no exception here at GSP. We have so much going on that it's hard to even know where to start. Let's just get right to the (bloody) heart of it, shall we?
Halloween: A glorious holiday filled with celebrations throughout the month and spread across two games, with prizes, games, giveaways, and GSP. What could be better?
First some appetizers. We're whetting your appetite with two parties in advance of the official holiday.
On October 18th, the folks at TSWDB will bring you "The Cost of Fashion" event. Ok, so it's not "technically" a Halloween party. However, there are costume contests and that's got to help you get in the mood! The party starts at 1pm EDT from The Crusades in London.
Not to be outdone, Valheru Ascendants and Mercury Dragons will present the "Hauntingly Good Halloween Boo Bash and Blood Drive!" This party takes place on October 25th from Phasefront Island in the lake at Newland City starting at 4:30pm EDT and ending at midnight.
The main event starts on Halloween night and rages on throughout the holiday weekend.
We get the ball rolling on Friday, October 31st at 5pm EDT for our roleplay event in The Secret World on Arcadia. The party will be taking place at the the Black House in the Savage Coast and it will keep on rocking past midnight!
The fun continues in AO on Saturday, November 1st from noon EDT until at least midnight! This event full of spooktastic fun takes place in the ICC Assembly Hall and is sponsored by the Advisors of Rubi-Ka!
On Sunday, we're back in TSW for some OOC shenanigans. The party starts at noon EDT and takes us all the way until 6 pm. The fun will be at Ealdwic Park in London.
As we head into November, the events continue. In addition to other monthly goodies like MMOATP and Omni-Pol's Monthly org party, we also have "Dance Like Robots! The Remix" coming up on November 15th. Details on all of these events will be announced soon.
Moar News!!
That's right, events are not the only things we have going on. First up a few changes to our schedule.
As we previously mentioned, Ashval has moved Anger Management to Sunday afternoons at 1pm Eastern. He will be alternating his shows between AO and TSW (OOC).
Additionally, DJ Oubliette is moving Permanent Midnight to 9pm Eastern.
We also have some sad news to share with you. Luckystarr has decided to leave GSP for now. As many of you know, she has had some health issues and needs to concentrate on getting well. We will certainly all miss her, but we understand the need to focus on her health. I hope you will all join me in wishing the best of luck and GSP will miss her delightful personality.
So how about if I try to end this thing on a good note?
Gridfan has been working his tentacles to the bone on a new version of Gridbot. For the most part you shouldn't notice many differences. Gridbot will be more responsive and more reliable than ever before. The truly big news for you guys is the addition of a new request feature. I know what you're thinking. Gridbot already has a request list that works perfectly fine! Well, it worked fine so long as you were in AO. This new service will allow you to make requests from outside of the game. Outside of the game. Are you listening TSW players? This means that you will be able to make requests from anywhere that you can access the internet. TSW players will be able to make requests via an automated system without having to bombard the DJ with messages! Believe me when I say that this makes the DJ's very happy. We're not set for it to go live just yet, but it is coming soon! (and I mean for realz "soon").
Thanks Gridfan for all of your hard work!
Now that's quite a news update!
As always, thanks for listening!