
Sun 9 March, 2025 @ 2:41 AM
UTC/GMT (Greenwich Standard Time)

I can't believe GSP is 12 already. Just think next year we'll be in our teens!! Time sure flies when you're having an awesome time and make no mistake the past 12 years have been awesome. That is in part thanks to you, our loyal listeners, but also thanks to the incredible folks who have graced the airwaves or worked behind the scenes. By way of saying thanks to all of you as well as all of us we're going to have a party! (shocking! I know!!)

The party starts this Friday, May 23 at 3 pm eastern and rocks on for the next 12 hours. Then we take a little break (hey we're getting old, we need a nap) and come back on Saturday, May 24 at 4 pm to keep the party rocking another 13 hours! The party will be going back and forth between AO and TSW and several of our fabulous DJ's. No matter what your plans this weekend, we hope you you can stop in, spend some time with us and give us our birthday spankings. *grin*

Oh and while you're there, please try to take a moment to wish a fond farewell to DJ Cherri. While we're all saddened by the news that she will have to depart GSP, we wish her all the best for the future.

In other news...

I have it on good authority that DJ Trevalin has successfully completed his mission abroad and so he will be back on time to start his new weekly show. Eye of the Storm will move to its weekly time slot on May 21 at 8pm eastern from the Crusades.

Also, don't forget that as we turn 12 then AO must be turning 13 soon. I'm quite sure there has been secretly secret conversation about secret stuff between us and ARK. Stay tuned for more info.

Beyond that...well...it might be that some new DJ's might just start to show up here or there. Keep your ears peeled for noob ninjas in the not too distant future. However we still have room for more and we're also still looking for a community liaison on the AO side. So if you or anyone you know might be interested in a DJ or staff role, be sure to let me know and we can get the ball rolling.

That's all the news for now.

As always, thanks for listening!!

Things are changing here at GSP and for once I'm not talking about structure changes. 

As you've no doubt heard by now DJ Trevalin will be taking to the air this coming Thursday, May 1 with his new show Eye of the Storm at 5pm Eastern. This first show is but a tease of what is to come. The new guy is really anxious to share the harder edge of rock and the softer side of metal with you fine folks so he's decided to do a weekly show. That's right he hasn't even gotten the first one under his belt and he's already hooked. He'll be starting his weekly show on Wednesday May 21 at 8 pm eastern. 

I don't know about the rest of you but I'm really looking forward to it. Trev has already made loads of friends out there in the Twitterverse and in Ealdwic and so I have very high hopes for what kind of "new tricks" he has in store for us.

We also have a couple other changes already starting to happen. DJ Tastyvixen needs to take a much earned break from her regular weekly slot. But don't worry, you'll still hear her sexiness and fun musical choices on the air. She'll be sure to surprise you with a ninja whenever she can. I don't know about you guys but that voice can surprise me any time!

That won't leave Sundays without liveness though. DJ Kermie has graciously agreed to move Kermie's Krazy Korner into the Sunday evenings at 10pm eastern. I think that's a great way to end the weekend and prepare for Monday.

We've also got some events on the horizon. 

The first is Cinco de Mayo! That event is coming up on ...well Cinco de Mayo (har har). That's the 5th of May for those that don't know. We're still working through a few last minute details on this one. However you can bet we'll have plenty of music for you to samba to!

Then on Saturday May 10th we're hosting a recruitment event. That's right GSP needs you! Have you thought of DJing, know someone who you think might fit the bill, or wish to support GSP in a community support role? Well this is the event for you. The event starts at 1pm eastern. We'll be sure to have DJ's and crew available in both AO and TSW to answer your questions and pass out applications.

And finally (I saved the best for last!) GSP is turning Twelve and we're inviting all of you to join in the celebration!! Of course it wouldn't be a GSP Anniversary Event if it didn't take place over multiple days. This year our anniversary event this year will be on May 24 and May 25 switching between both games. The times and DJ's will be worked out soon. Keep checking back for more info!

Wow, Ok I think that's quite enough for one update. Let's see if I got it all: Eye of the Storm premieres this Thursday, May 1; Kermie is moving to Sundays, Tasty is becoming a ninja; Cinco de Mayo; Recruiting on May 10; and GSP turns their dial up to 12! Yep, that's everything. We hope to see you guys a lot in the month of May. 

As always, thanks for listening. You guys rock!

GSP is proud to announce the return DJ Dynamiks and Club Troppo to the Friday lineup each week! You can catch the Thunder from Down Under and his assortment of dance, trance, electro and retro starting at 3pm Eastern/7pm UTC every Friday! Also, don't forget to follow DJ Dynamiks on Twitter! (@DJ_Dynamiks) Club Troppo is one of two roleplay themed shows GSP will be bringing to Arcadia in The Secret World.

The other show hitting Arcadia soon will be Eye of the Storm with DJ Trevalin! The first show is scheduled or May 1st at 5pm Eastern/9pm UTC. Eye of the Storm will bring the best of hard rock and melodic metal to the Crusades approximately twice a month. Make sure to keep an eye on DJ Trevalin's show forum or follow him on Twitter (@DJ_Trevalin) for updates on future shows!

What else is on the horizon? GSP will be celebrating another birthday coming up in May! Get ready for a party of epic proportions as GridStream turns an amazing 12 years old! We'll have a huge lineup of DJ's set to entertain you and plenty of contests and prizes as well. More details to come!

Finally, we bid a fond farewell to DJ Beardedgoose as he steps down from GSP. As most of you may have noticed, Goose hasn't been able to do his shows for awhile due to RK4 obligations. We wish him the very best as he focuses on real life stuff and thank him for all of his contributions to GSP! :)

As always, thanks for listening! We hope to see you at a show on Rubi-Ka or in The Secret World soon!

- Ash

Well, it's been awhile since the big merger and we've had some time to assess how things went. While we're ecstatic with the response we've received from both the AO and TSW community post-merger, we've found there are some things we need to tweak a bit to operate smoother.

As part of this shake up, we're streamlining our leadership group and going back to having one Director. In this case, the Director will once again be me...at least until I'm fired by the owner. :) Vallikat (Assistant Director/Applications Lead), Gemmikins (Promotions Lead) and Tastyvixen (Events Lead) will serve as Board Members. What does this mean to the listeners? You probably won't notice much of a change. If anything, we'll hopefully operate more efficiently as a smaller group and eliminate some of the lingering divide between AO and TSW since the merger.

We're going to be welcoming one DJ back to the fold soon, while we sadly say farewell to another. DJ Luckystarr will be returning to Tuesday's in Anarchy Online starting March 18th! Welcome back Lucky! As we welcome Lucky back, however, we say a very fond farewell to DJ Screaminlord who will be retiring from DJ'ing. We can't thank him enough for his contributions over the years. He's a fantastic DJ and an even better person. He will be missed, but we hope to see him around at upcoming shows!

Are you ready to wear green and party like crazy for St. Patrick's Day this year in The Secret World? DJ Dynamiks will be hosting a special party at the Horned God on March 17th starting at 5pm EST/9pm UTC. Be there!

Also, there have been rumblings of a "new" DJ on the horizon soon. Denizens of Arcadia (or any fans of roleplay) in TSW may want to keep an eye out for Ashval's in-character persona, DJ Trevalin, and his new show expected to launch in May at the Crusades!

Are you interested in joining GSP? We currently have two ways you could join in the fun! First off, we're very interested in hiring new DJ's for AO and TSW. Contact Vallikat or Kriegshammer for information or to request an application! Also, we're interested in possibly hiring someone to fill a Community Relations position for AO. If you love AO and GSP and would be interested in helping us reach out to the AO community through events, contests and social media then please get in touch with Ashval in-game or via the forums. We'd love to hear from you!

As always, thanks for listening! We really appreciate the support!

- Ash

Current & Upcoming Events

Big Hair Ball
 DJ Dharzee
 Now! 18m remaining!

Kermies Krazy Corner
 DJ Kermie
 In 23h 18m @ 2:00 AM, March 10 UTC

GSP Statistics

 Longest continuous DJ session

1. Ashval55h 00m
2. Stefano51h 06m
3. Dynamiks43h 36m
4. Drexlore29h 00m
5. Lykeios27h 30m

 Top played artists 24h

No data available.

 Top played artists this month

No data available.