
Sun 9 March, 2025 @ 2:57 AM
UTC/GMT (Greenwich Standard Time)

Where to begin? I know! Let's have a song!


Ah, The Mexican Hat Dance. That can only mean one thing! Cinco de Mayo is fast approaching and that means a GSP Party!

We're starting our celebration with DJ Joanwilder over in Anarchy Online. I think it's a safe bet that Joan will have authentic Mexican music for you and as she says "be ready for some culture!" She's getting things started in ICC at 6 pm EST on May 5.

The Secret World is not to be left out of the fiesta! DJ Nicksa will pick up the party from Joan over in TSW. She's getting started at 8 pm EST. Her party in the Scorched Desert is bound to be muy caliente!

Next up? Well...let me just leave this right here:


If you hadn't guessed by that clip, that means that Anniversary Season almost here at GSP.

First comes our own 13th Anniversary Celebration! That's right! GSP has reached our teenage years! No time for teen angst though, we have parties to plan! That's right, "parties." 3 parties to be exact. We're still working on the finer details but both Anarchy Online and The Secret World will be getting some party love between the 16th and 17th of May.

Next will be Anarchy Online's Anniversary in June with The Secret World Anniversary shortly thereafter in July. We'll get you all the dates and times for those parties when we have them.

I love having these parties. I love this chance to interact with two very awesome communities. We really want to do more with you guys and for you guys. We have the lovely Ms. Iolanthe to run Community Relations in The Secret World. What we really need is a counter-part for her in Anarchy Online. If you or anyone you know is interested in the role, please reach out to Kriegshammer for more details.

Well this was a short news update, but as you can see we're on the brink of a very busy time. I'm sure there will be more news for the next one.

Until then, as always, thanks for listening!

I don't know about you, but I'm very glad that Spring is finally upon us. Technically I guess we still have some winter left to contend with in my part of the world, but I think we're finally seeing the light. Whew!

So what does that mean for GSP?

Well for one thing it means Spring Break! Oh yes! DJs Trevalin and Nicksa will be more than happy to see some bikini clad beach goers for this 10 hour marathon party! The party starts on March 28th at 2 pm EST from the Essex Coast (that's in-game location Journey's End, Kingsmouth). Come join us for fun in the sun as we dance the day and night away!

Omni-pol knows how to party too! Hard to believe, but it's true! They're having their monthly party On March 22 at 4 pm eastern. DJ Dharzee will be spinning the tunes this time from the Omni-Pol Org City. All are welcome to celebrate Omni-pol promotions and have some fun. If you can't make it this time, don't worry, Omni-Pol plans to have this party on the 2nd to last Sunday every month. We hope to see you there!

It's Almost St. Patrick's Day and we're not forgetting the holiday. We'll be sprinkling in more and more Irish/Celtic themed music at our regular shows between now and the 17th. I hope you all get a chance to get your jig on. :)

Coming along next month ARK and Funcom present the Borealis Street Party on April 18 at 3pm, eastern. The party is due to last 4 hours and although we don't have all the details set, there's no doubt this will be an awesome time. Stay tuned for details.

What else can I tease?

How about Funcom's Really Big TSW Contest?! Recently Tomium announced that Funcom has something huge up their sleeves coming next month! I may or may not know more than that, but I can't tell you much more than you can read for yourself on the forum. I will only say that if I was you, I'd pay close attention. It's going to be awesome!

And speaking of teasing and awesome and huge, birthday season is coming!! First is our birthday in May and then AO's birthday the following month. I know that seems like a long way away, but as you all know, these parties tend to be ginormous. I figure I better let you know now so you can plan accordingly! Details to follow!!!

Sadly, I do have some sad news to report. Juud, who recently joined us as Community Relations Lead in AO, has had to leave us. Unfortunately, "real life" was taking a toll and he was unable to provide us with the assistance that we were hoping for. We wish him all the best in sorting out RK4 so that he might some day return. In the meanwhile, this news does mean that we once again have a job opening. If you or anyone you know loves us, loves the community and loves AO, please send them our way. They can talk to Kriegshammer or any one of our crew to find out more details.

Well that's all I have for now.

As always, thanks for listening!

That's right it is February and GSP is loving it! We love you, we love each other, we love cabals and orgs, we love Funcom and ARKs, and we love a good beat down. All of these things add up to one thing: We love to party! So let's see what we've got for you on the party front this month!

Our bestie turns 10! Ok, ok, I don't mean to imply that B.E.E.R really is our BFF. I mean we love all you guys! But B.E.E.R is one of those orgs that has really become near and dear to our hearts (and it has nothing to do with our love of the beverage and/or any of our alts which may or may not exist in said org...honestly!) Anyway like I was saying their 10th anniversary is coming up and we're honored to be celebrating it with them. Joanwilder will be spinning the tunes from the Glass Dance Floor at Reets Retreat on Friday, February 13th at 8pm EST. I hope to see a lot of you come out to celebrate this milestone with this awesome group of folks!

Then, the Day of Love arrives. <3<3<3!

On February 14, we have 2 special parties for you!

We'll get things started in Anarchy Online at 3:00 pm EST in ICC. ARK will be there as well so you can be sure there will be contests and prizes to be had! Gemmikins and Joanwilder will be playing love-themed and maybe not so much love-themed tunes. I'm sure both ladies will be more than happy to play your special requests for the ones you love!

At 8pm EST we're sending the party to The New York City Fight Club in The Secret World. Yes, that's right, the fight club as DJ Nicksa presents The St. Valentine's Day Massacre! for those of you who like to express your love with violence or who just want to act out their frustrations, there's nothing better than a free-for-all at the fight club! Be sure to join us for what promises to be a bloody good time!

But just because Valentine's is over doesn't mean the love stops!

On February 15 our love and kisses go out to the amazing ARK's and Testers on the Anarchy Online Test Server. These guys do a commendable job and we thank them every month with the MMOATP (Massive Monthly Online Ark and Testers Party). This month it will be Gemmikins spinning the tunes from ICC on the Test Server. The party gets started at 4 pm EST. Be sure to come out to show your support.

On February 21 you are invited to love your Cabal at the Cabal Pride party in The Secret World. The party will be held in London on the street between the Albion Theater and the park. If you love your Cabal, this is your time to show it. If you don't have a Cabal but need one, this is just the event for you! DJ Trevalin will keep the music going from 2pm - 5 pm EST. Don't forget to join in the chat (/chat join cabalpride) for running commentary during the event!

On February 22 the Harbingers Cabal brings us a different kind of love, the love that comes from renewal as we help them celebrate Seollal, The Lunar New Year! DJ Medrina will be your guide as the Dragons celebrate the continuation of the cycle. The party takes place at the Dragon's Coils in Seoul starting at 3:00 pm EST.

On February 28, Omni-Pol get our love as DJ Gemmikins provides the tunes for their Monthly Org Party. The party takes place at 4:00 pm EST in their org city. I am sure that Omni-Pol parties must be fun and full of love. Right? Right! They may have a very "corporate" reputation but that doesn't meant they don't know how to party! Believe me after you get a few drinks in them, I've seen things that... er... well I probably shouldn't discuss that here. You have to come out for yourselves!

Ok now that we've spread our lovin' all over the month of February, I'm exhausted! Time to rest up a bit so I can be ready to party all month long!

As always, thanks for listening!

P.S. want to find out what these times convert to in your timezone? check it out here: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

GSP has been around a looong time, and we've certainly had our fair share of change over the years. It's that time again...time to reshuffle the deck. :)

For personal reasons, I need to step back from running the day-to-day operations of the station. I've been doing this for a very long time, and I'd rather focus on my two shows (as Ashval and Trevalin) and hand the torch of leadership back to Vallikat. She was instrumental in this station's success in branching into TSW, and she's now ready to give this old man a break and run the ship again. :)

While I will still be the station owner and have final say when needed, I have full trust in Valli and the Board to keep GSP rocking. Speaking of the Board, there are some other changes to announce as well...

Gemmikins will be elevated to Assistant Director and continue to handle our Promotions Department.

Kriegshammer will be returned to the role of Board Member and take over the Applications Department.

Shigy will be returned to the role of Board Member and handle our Events Department.

Tastyvixen will still be a Board Member but freed up to handle some technical projects for GSP (and hopefully returning to DJ'ing soon).

And, finally...Dharzee has volunteered to fill the role of Training Officer for GSP helping out our new DJ's.

While most of this probably won't mean a lot to our listeners, we've always tried to keep you all in the loop when it comes to GSP news. I'm extremely proud of the state of the station as I hand the reins over Vallikat. We have a balanced DJ schedule promoting both AO and TSW. We continue to get incredible support from the TSW roleplay community. And, the talent and creativity of our DJ's and staff members is as strong as ever.

As always, we are nothing without the support we get from all of you...our listeners. Thank you for all that you do.

Much love and respect,

DJ Ashval/DJ Trevalin/Station Owner/Old Metalhead

Current & Upcoming Events

Big Hair Ball
 DJ Dharzee
 Now! 2m remaining!

Kermies Krazy Corner
 DJ Kermie
 In 23h 2m @ 2:00 AM, March 10 UTC

GSP Statistics

 Longest continuous DJ session

1. Ashval55h 00m
2. Stefano51h 06m
3. Dynamiks43h 36m
4. Drexlore29h 00m
5. Lykeios27h 30m

 Top played artists 24h

No data available.

 Top played artists this month

No data available.