Sun 9 March, 2025 @ 2:57 AM
UTC/GMT (Greenwich Standard Time)
Where to begin? I know! Let's have a song!
Ah, The Mexican Hat Dance. That can only mean one thing! Cinco de Mayo is fast approaching and that means a GSP Party!
We're starting our celebration with DJ Joanwilder over in Anarchy Online. I think it's a safe bet that Joan will have authentic Mexican music for you and as she says "be ready for some culture!" She's getting things started in ICC at 6 pm EST on May 5.
The Secret World is not to be left out of the fiesta! DJ Nicksa will pick up the party from Joan over in TSW. She's getting started at 8 pm EST. Her party in the Scorched Desert is bound to be muy caliente!
Next up? Well...let me just leave this right here:
If you hadn't guessed by that clip, that means that Anniversary Season almost here at GSP.
First comes our own 13th Anniversary Celebration! That's right! GSP has reached our teenage years! No time for teen angst though, we have parties to plan! That's right, "parties." 3 parties to be exact. We're still working on the finer details but both Anarchy Online and The Secret World will be getting some party love between the 16th and 17th of May.
Next will be Anarchy Online's Anniversary in June with The Secret World Anniversary shortly thereafter in July. We'll get you all the dates and times for those parties when we have them.
I love having these parties. I love this chance to interact with two very awesome communities. We really want to do more with you guys and for you guys. We have the lovely Ms. Iolanthe to run Community Relations in The Secret World. What we really need is a counter-part for her in Anarchy Online. If you or anyone you know is interested in the role, please reach out to Kriegshammer for more details.
Well this was a short news update, but as you can see we're on the brink of a very busy time. I'm sure there will be more news for the next one.
Until then, as always, thanks for listening!